
Music Theory Southeast (MTSE) is a regional society whose primary goal is to foster the discipline of music theory throughout the Southeastern region.


  • To provide a forum for the exchange of information and ideas pertaining to music theory and its teaching, especially among music theorists residing or teaching in the Southeastern region
  • To conduct meetings which may include the presentation of papers, panel discussions, workshops, the performance of music, and the exhibition of published materials
  • To encourage the highest standards of research and creativity in music theory
  • To encourage the highest standards in the teaching of music theory
  • To provide a contact for students and young professionals with the music theory community
  • To publish a newsletter, announcements of meetings and calls for papers, or other appropriate materials
  • And, recognizing music theory as a distinct discipline but yet not separable from other aspects of music, to advocate and uphold the highest standards of musicianship in all types and at all levels of music making

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